Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

Vision Statement

The purpose of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is to advocate for full integration and participation for all students regardless of ability by providing access to all opportunities in our school communities.

Committee Members

Liz Dunn, Towns
Bonnie Echavarria, Keene
Traci Fairbanks, Chesterfield
Anna M. Lake, Monadnock Developmental Services
Rick Matte, SAU29
Misty Martinez-Bohannon, Keene
Christine Parshall, Marlborough
Amy Royce, Westmoreland
Adele Phillips, SAU29
For more information regarding the Special Education Advisory Committee, or to speak to one of the committee members, please contact:
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Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Documents, Minutes and Agenda

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Archives

Procedural Safeguards

The NH DOE has recently updated it's procedural safeguards. See the link below for the most up to date copy.


Featured Author: Marcia Gratsch - Raising a special needs child: A parent's perspective into the medical and educational aspects surrounding Special Education.

A special needs mom of over 20 years, Marcia Gratsch of the Little Bug Foundation, wrote this book to help current and future special needs parents, educators, and caregivers navigate their way through the medical and educational aspects involved in raising a unique child. This Special Education handbook discusses what caregivers/parents of special needs children face each day using real examples from the sample case and their family throughout the book.

Suggested Books:

Helpful Resources:

https://childmind.org/article/back-to-school-anxiety-during-covid/ - Learn how to help kids handle fears and gain independence with returning to school.
https://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/supporting-your-childs-mental-health-during-covid-19-school-return - Learn how to support your child’s mental health during Covid-19 school reopenings.
https://www.parents.com/parenting/better-parenting/advice/how-to-teach-your-kids-to-fight-hate-an-age-by-age-guide/ - An anti-racism, age by age guide on how to talk with your kids about this difficult topic.