Parent and Student Resources

Back to School Information

Registration Information for SAU29 Schools

Keene School District Street Directory

Schedule of Opening Days

SAU29 School Hours

Notification of Rights Under FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

Child Find

Residency Letter to Parents


Bus Routes (subject to change)

SAU 29 First Student Bus Routes

Chesterfield Bus Routes

Stoddard Bus Routes

Westmoreland Bus Routes

Winchester Bus Routes

Early Release times for SAU 29 schools for the school year


The NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has a public inquiry line (answered by a nurse) that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for questions about infectious diseases:

  • 1-800-852-3345 Ext. 4496 (NH only) or 603-271-4496

Section 8 Housing

Keene Housing has launched its new Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waitlist application on their website.
The new online application is only for the Section 8 HCV option. Once the online application is submitted, applicants can check their status on the waitlist at any time.
Applicants will still need to submit a paper application if they want to select their property waiting list/s in addition to the Section 8 HCV waiting list. The paper application can be downloaded from the Keene Housing website on the same page as the new HCV online application.

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