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Keene District ACA Reform Coverage


Insurance Choices

The Keene Board of Education has adopted a district policy to address the mandate of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) commonly referred to as healthcare reform. Under the approved policy, Keene employees who are reasonably expected to work between 30-32.5 hours/week on a regular basis are eligible to enroll in a medical plan on either the first of the month following 60 days of continuous employment, or during each July 1st Open Enrollment Period. Employees who are eligible to enroll in the health insurance plan (i.e. those employees working between 30-32.5 hours/week) would pay 100% of the cost of the insurance plan selected by the District. Click on the below link for the current enrollment year costs of the medical plans. Please contact SAU29 Human Resources for more information or to enroll in medical insurance.

Keene ALL 30-34 hourly costs

The federal healthcare reform law, PPACA, requires the school district to make available to all employees who are enrolled in, or eligible to be enrolled in the District's insurance, with a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). The SBC describes the plan benefits and coverage, including prescription coverage for each of the medical plans offered. The format of the SBC is designed to allow employees to compare benefits and coverage among the various health insurance plans offered.

Summary of Benefits and Coverage

Plan Participant Offers-Information