SAU29 Information
There are seven independent school districts in SAU29 – Chesterfield, Harrisville, Keene, Marlborough, Marlow, Nelson and Westmoreland. Each has its own elected school board, which oversees its school district’s affairs, including:
- Budget
- Policies
- Hiring of the Superintendent
- Approval of the Superintendent’s nominations of faculty and administrators
In addition to a school board, each district has a moderator and clerk. For more information about each of the districts and its budget process, please go to that district's web page.
School district elections for board members, moderators and clerks are held in March. Specific information about filing deadlines, eligibility, and election procedure may be found on each individual district web page.
There is also an SAU29 Board made up of the members from each of the seven school districts. The SAU board oversees the governance of the SAU, including staff, budget and policies.
School Administrative Unit 29
School districts in New Hampshire are organized in School Administrative Units (SAUs). School Administrative Unit 29 is comprised of seven independent school districts:
Chesterfield - Covers Grades K-8 with its own Middle School and Grades 9-12 attending Keene High School.
Harrisville - Covers Grades K-6 with Grades 7-8 attending Keene Middle School and Grades 9-12 attending Keene High School.
Keene - Covers Grades PK-12 with four elementary schools, one Middle School and a High School.
Marlborough - Covers Grades K-8 with its own Middle School and Grades 9-12 attending Keene High School.
Marlow - Covers Grades PK-6 with Grades 7-8 attending Keene Middle School and Grades 9-12 attending Keene High School.
Nelson - Covers Grades K-5 with Grades 6-8 attending Keene Middle School and Grades 9-12 attending Keene High School.
Westmoreland - Covers Grades K-8 with its own Middle School and Grades 9-12 attending Keene High School.
SAU29 is the largest multi-district SAU in New Hampshire. Its responsibilities include managing a collective budget of approximately $90.7 million, maintaining 14 school buildings, coordinating the activities of seven independent school boards, and supervising the educational program for approximately 4,200 students.
SAU29 and its member districts employ more than 960 people and cover 211 square miles in southwestern New Hampshire.
School Mission
The mission of the schools within SAU 29 is to provide each child with the opportunity to participate in challenging, productive and relevant learning activities which promote individual growth and skills development that will enhance the likelihood of each student leading a productive and fulfilling role in our society.